Subject: Bodychunk.mui
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Hello everybody,

I'm currently working on a GUI with many Bitmap/BodyChunk  objects. Many
times, some objects must have the same image. Is it possible to share
BodyChunk_Body between objects ? When these objects are drawn on a screen
with differents colors, does each object store a remapped body for itself ?

More generaly speaking, what are the memory (FAST & CHIP) usage of these
objects ?



Subject: Re: Bodychunk.mui
Message-Id: <>
Organization: Home of MUI
Resent-Message-Id: <"QVLQE2.0.uF7.SQ5en"@sunsite>
Resent-From: mui@sunsite.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE
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Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 570
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Status: RO

Denis Galiana wrote in article <>:

> I'm currently working on a GUI with many Bitmap/BodyChunk  objects. Many
> times, some objects must have the same image. Is it possible to share
> BodyChunk_Body between objects ? When these objects are drawn on a screen
> with differents colors, does each object store a remapped body for itself ?
> More generaly speaking, what are the memory (FAST & CHIP) usage of these
> objects ?

Body data may be shared between different Bodychunk objects
and does not need to be in chip ram.

Greetings, Stefan